Create a unique, specific, tailor-made strategy.

This is the only way to create a Winnig Strategy. 

After more than three decades of developing strategies for my own business or for clients, I’ve learned a simple truth: There is nothing like a generic approach to strategy development – no universal way or tool.

Strategy is all about creating unique – specific and different – solutions that help individual customers solving a defined problem. Therefore – on the contrary- Strategies need to be different. No benchmarking and no copy and paste. Copy and paste – using generic tools or generic approaches – lead to a dead-end.

The real added value of strategy is to find THE UNIQUE, the differentiated way to help resolving a customer problem. Existing solutions, are already available to a customer. So why should he buy from you? 

INNOVATION and MARKETING are the core of every strategy.

There is only one way to a winning strategy: Stand out from the crowd. Be different. Create YOUR unique strategy!


Setting the agenda on strategy, value capture and innovation.
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